At St. Peter’s we include a variety of hymns from Evangelical Lutheran Worship and other sources. Our services are accompanied by organ, piano, and guitar played by our Music Director, Matt Haggerty, and by flute played by Lauren Bertsch. We invite everyone to raise their voice in song with us.
The adult choir rehearses every Sunday September through May. They rehearse in the sanctuary at 8:30 am immediately until 9:15 before service. The choir offers an anthem for the late service every week during the school year. If you are interested in joining the choir, just stop in during rehearsal time or contact Matt for more information.
Are you a singer at heart? Do you have an instrument tucked away in your house? We would love for you to share your musical talents! If you are interested in choir or would like to sing or play during a service, you can contact Matt after any church service, or reach him through the church office.